Breaking down cashing up

Breaking down cashing up

Cashing up procedures will be a little different from business to business, but this general outline is typical of the retail and service industries. The whole thing needs to be totally locked down, step-by-step.

ICRTouch Summer Solutions

ICRTouch TouchPoint EPoS till software

ICRTouch partners can provide you with a full TouchPoint till rental solution including integrated card payments, TouchOffice Web back office and PocketTouch. A professional, yet temporary EPoS system that equips you with the tools you need to maximise your business at an affordable cost.

ICRTouch donate to Ability dogs 4 young people

ICRTouch CEO Colin Ringer visits Ability Dogs 4 Young People

Island trained for island people. On the 12th June, ICRTouch paid a visit to one of our Sandown Airport neighbours; a children’s charity and a truly worthy cause. Ability Dogs 4 Young People is an Isle of Wight charity that began its life in 2012. They provide assistance dogs to disabled children and young people … Read more

New In TouchOffice Web: Menu Printing

An example printed menu from TouchOffice Web

TouchOffice Web has a new feature which can generate a menu from selected PLUs organised by their Web Categories. Each PLU can also be assigned a short description which will display on the menu.

Tag your PLUs for smarter reporting

Beer pump

Imagine you are having a real ale festival in your pub with a selection of guest ales that must be tracked separately from regular drinks. Maybe your punters prefer their ale pale or smoky and dark? And wouldn’t it be useful to know if customers prefer locally-made products to big-name brands?