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ICRTouch open new purpose-built Head Offices

An in-progress phot of the new office build

In the recent past ICRTouch has seen sales grow year-on-year and as a result operations, workforce and assets have expanded to maintain the high quality expected by customers. The new ICRTouch head office will allow for new employment opportunities throughout all areas of the business.

The expansion comes on the heels of the most successful year in the company’s 30+ year history; shipping well over 10,000 installs, processing 2 billion TouchOffice Web sales and making a huge impact in the online ordering market with TouchTakeaway.

Employees of ICRTouch have expressed gratitude for their new working environment already with Head of ICRTouch Partner Support, Darren Gough saying, “The new office is fantastic, our team feels very lucky to work in a sleek, new office and I am very grateful that ICRTouch have made this kind of investment in myself and its staff. Our support department is continually growing as is ICRTouch and we now have plenty of room to expand our team even further with the additional space. ICRTouch have gone above and beyond with facilities for its staff. I personally am looking forward to using the Gym during my lunch breaks.”

The new head office has been purpose-built with two storeys and offices modernised and decorated to have a sleek and clean look fitting of ICRTouch.


Continuous member engagement should be amongst the key considerations when it comes to choosing EPoS systems for your club. Effective customer engagement is extremely beneficial for memberโ€™s clubs, however it can be an overly time consuming process without the correct systems in place.ย 
Today marks a very special day in the ICRTouch calendar, as weโ€™re celebrating TouchPointโ€™s 25th birthday. The flagship product has come a long way since its initial release way back in 1999, making its mark in the hospitality and retail industries over the years and weโ€™re extremely proud to see how far the solution has been developed.